

JIER LINK为用户提供远程解决方案 Your Remote Solutions

随着数字化技术的不断发展,济南二机床集团有限公司不断推进远程专家系统研发,优化远程解决方案。专家系统作为智能制造的一部分,将不断助力客户实现数字化升级,进一步提高生产效率并降低成本。近日,济南二机床利用“JIER LINK”平台,成功完成了北美一家著名汽车公司墨西哥项目的跨国预验收工作。

With the continuous development of digital technology, JIER continues to promote the Remote Expert System research and development, andoptimize the remote solution. As part of intelligent manufacturing, the Expert System will continuously help customers to realize digital upgrading, further improve production efficiency and reduce costs. Recently, JIER has successfully completed virtual buyoff of the Mexico project for the famous OEM auto company in North America through JIER LINK platform.

  使用智能可戴设备进行“云验收” Intelligent wearable device is used for Cloud Acceptance

由于新冠肺炎疫情旅行限制影响,北美客户所在的美国和墨西哥团队无法如期到济二现场进行预验收。此次验收采用的头戴设备具备AI人工智能和AR增强现实技术,采用近眼显示方式,佩戴后通过全语音控制解放双手,实现远程音视频交互,达到验收人员亲临现场的同等效果。位于济南的二机床工程师与客户所在的墨西哥和美国的工程师团队共享第一视角画面,随时按照验收人员的指令操作,并对关键验收节点进行讲解。通过“JIER LINK”平台,济南二机床可为用户提供超清全局或局部视频图像,供对方在计算机上查看存档,全程记录验收过程。

Due to the travel restrictions of Coronavirus Pandemic, the customer’s project team in USA and Mexico could not come to JIER workshop for buyoff as scheduled. However, the buyoff was successfully completed with the help of head-mounted camera with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AR Augmented Realitytechnologies. This wearable device uses near-eye display, and enables handsfree through full voice control after wearing, thus realizes remote audio and video interaction, and makes people feel as if they were right there on the shop floor. The JIER engineers in China and the customer’s engineering team in Mexico and USA shared first-hand view. The JIER technician wearing the device walked around the workshop site and operated according to the instructions from the acceptance personnel at anytime, and explained the key acceptance points. Through JIER LINK platform, JIER provided super clear global or local video images for the customer to check, archive and record the whole buyoff process.



Besides virtual buyoff, JIER’s Remote Expert System can also achieve multiple scenario applications such as real time tracking of project progress, on-line business communication, equipment remote diagnosis, visualized remote operation, training and after-sales service, providing whole process solutions to customers’ satisfaction.

上一篇:工业机器人基础知识大全,看完秒懂! 下一篇:PPP、EPC、PMC、DB、DBB、CM、BOT概念及优缺